To say it's been a long winter in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States is an understatement. It's been a very looooooooonnnngggg winter this year. Over 80 inches of snow in a region where we usually get 20 inches. Plus, I've been dealing with some other issues in life that made it seem that much longer. But, since springs arrival, it's been getting a little better everyday.
So, people have been asking me, what was up with my cryptic blog entry in February? Well, here's the story. Having to deal with the facts from above was bad enough. I hadn't been running, my mind was going blank for a weekly entry on the blog and, afterall, this is suppose to be a running blog, right? I couldn't really write about running if I wasn't running. But I felt obligated to write SOMETHING once a week.
The kicker was when someone hacked into my e-mail account and started to send spam to everyone in my address book. I had to apologize over and over again as I was really embarrassed by what was being sent. I finally got to the point and said, 'Stupid Internet' and decided to walk away for awhile.
Since then, the snow has melted, no more unauthorized e-mails being sent out, still dealing with things in personal life (they just keep coming) but handling it better, and doing some running. A little.
I had time to think about what I wanted to do with this blog going forward. I had time to think about what I want to do about running. My conclusion was I want to keep running (and triathlon training) but not as intense as I have done in the past few years. I want to spend time with my wife on a Sunday morning and just talk. I want time to rest up when I need to. Which is why I haven't committed to any race as of yet. Because if I do, then I will focus on that and do what I need to prepare. I will keep running (and swimming and biking). But, in the meantime, I want to take the time to smell the flowers along the way.
As for my blog, I will continue with it but probably not necessarily on a weekly basis. Best way to describe is from time-to-time. I used to be able to do it more during lunchtime but can't do that as much anymore. For those that have read it in the past, I hope you have enjoyed it and continue to enjoy it.
So, there is one bit of news and that is I am looking for my first bike for triathlon. I borrowed Mitch's from the Blue Dawgs last year but wanted to get my own this year. I am looking for a road (is that the right term?) bike as opposed to a strictly tri bike due to a few factors but mainly cost. So I'm looking at aluminum vs. carbon. Again, mainly cost will be a factor but want to make sure I'm not being short sighted on this. I'm looking for advise to find out if I would be sorry if I went aluminum if my intention is to ride one or two tris a year. (Sprint/Olympic at best).
So, there you have it. I wish you all the luck in the coming spring season.
Thanks Joe. I ruined my laptop because I was crying so much :-) I hope that you won't give up completely. I need somebody to push me on our long runs, our Wednesday's runs, and even in races. Don't worry I will talk to you on Sunday mornings.
Glad to see you back.
I sucked it up and got the carbon bike last year - regretted the price, especially right now - but seriously, when I got on the carbon bike after the aluminum, all I could think of was "I want to ditch the bike salesman and ride really, really fast." I'm hoping to get it out for my first ride of the season tomorrow and ride it the 16 miles to work.
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