Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where Am I Today?

Nothing too profound this week. Just a bit of a life update.

Since PDR, I have not run one day. Nothing. Maybe a brisk walk to the car in the driveway. But, that's about it. You see, my boss at work doesn't work in the same location as me. As a matter of fact, isn't even in the same country as me. Last week, he was in town. And, we had to catch up on projects that I am doing. When that happens, my schedule gets thrown out the window.

So, you are saying, that was last week. Your excuse this week?

Here is my schedule since last Saturday:

Saturday--started in PA, went to Long Island, NY all day, back to PA by 12:30a
Sunday--started in PA, flew (with 2 hour delay) to NC
Monday--all day in North Carolina
Tuesday--started in NC, flew back to PA
Wednesday (today)--all day in PA
Thursday--starting in PA, flying to NC
Friday--all day in NC
Saturday--starting in NC, flying to Massachusetts (Providence, RI to be exact)
Sunday--starting in MA, flying to PA

(And, I'm not even in sales!)

Somewhere, somewhere, I need to get some running in. Afterall, I have a marathon in, oh, 1 MONTH!!!!!!

Here is my plan this week (I'm not saying it's a good one, it's just a plan). I'll be running today and then the next two days in North Carolina. That's it. The whole plan. If we invaded Iraq with that plan, we might be stuck there for a few years (Wait a minute? Aren't we stuck...?).

I'm hoping to get back to a better work/life balance by next week. I have as much chance of doing that as the Dow falling 700 points in a single day. (Wait a minute? Didn't the Dow fall...?)


Anonymous said...

WOW, sounds familiar. There are those weeks where I just cannot find enough time to even sit down and eat. I sure hope you find the time to get in a run or two....good luck.

Frayed Laces said...

Geez! Well, sometimes life gets in the way and you just have to deal. Remember--you have the base for a marathon. Although you may not PR, you can at least finish.