Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Diagnosis

Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.
--Joni Mitchell

Since I last posted, things turned ugly for awhile. I hobbled around for a few days, almost to the point that I wasn't able to walk at all. I really did it this time. But what did I do? So, off to the podiatrist to find out what was going on with my left foot. (Before going on, check back next week for those who are squimish)

He checked my foot. He poked my foot. He scrapped my foot. He froze, then poked a hole in it, then let it drain. It was infected. But he still wasn't sure if there was any foreign matter in it. So, he laid it out for me. He told me this isn't good. I needed to get on ABs right away. I need to soak my foot in epsom salts, three times a day. I needed to change my bandage (a big, bulky bandage) three times a day. I needed crutches. I needed to get an ultrasound to find out how far in my foot this foreign matter had gotten in. Most likely, I would need to get surgery of some kind. And, the last thing he said, 'We're going to see a lot of each other in the next few weeks. You should have seen a doctor sooner.' What have I done? Why didn't I go to the emergency room in Kauai? I thought for sure my summer, my year was ruined.

The next day was Fourth of July so couldn't get an ultrasound done. But, strangely, I was feeling much better. I was able to walk on it with little pain. I didn't push myself but I certainly wasn't hobbling around like I was the previous few days.

Saturday, we had company and we all went down to Baltimore for the day. I thought this was going to push it over the edge. But, again, just a little bit of swelling but not too bad.

I had the ultrasound done on Monday. After reading the scan, the radiologist said that my body was reacting to a foreign matter that wasn't there. Uh, come again? Something was there but is either not there anymore or too little to find it on the ultrasound. Now, I have a deep bruise.

So, today, I was back in the podiatrist office. He was happy with what he saw. There is still a bruise. There is still a lump. But, it could be scar tissue. And, it doesn't hurt a tenth of what it did before. The big question--can I start running again? The answer: Yes!!!!! But, I need to stop if it starts hurting again. I have an appointment in two weeks to check it again. I am not 100% cured but I don't need surgery. I have to wait a few more days to start up again but I can go back to normal.

Wow! Whew! I had given up on Falmouth. I had given up on the Distance Classic. I had given up on running a marathon. I had given up this year. But, now, now I have new life again. And, I didn't realize how much I missed it until I couldn't do it anymore.

(Notes: I want to congratulate my wife and her friend Kim on an excellent job in running the Revolutionary Run 5k at Washington Crossing, PA on the Fourth of July.. Last year, my wife badly sprained her ankle and had to go through rehab for it. I'm very proud of the work she put in and the accomplishment of coming back to run another 5k. I wanted to do the 10k that day but was left on the sidelines. It was difficult not to participate but I saw it from a different perspective as I watched them start, cross the first mile and finished. Great job!)


Anonymous said...

I sure am glad to hear that you do not need surgery, and to hear that you are a TYPICAL man...not wanting to go to the Doctor for anything....be careful. I hope your training picks up and that you enjoy the rest of your running season. Congrats to your wife as well. Keep healthy.

Joe S said...


Thanks. It was when my doctor was talking about surgery that got me really nervous. But, I plan on going out this Sunday to start training. Still hoping for a fall marathon but want to make sure I can make 3 miles first. :-)

--Joe S

Frayed Laces said...

Wow! So glad everything is okay! Geez, Hawaii wasn't so nice to you, was it?